Robin Van Meter

  • Associate Chair of Biology, Associate Professor of Environmental Science & Studies and Biology

Dr. Van Meter holding a marbled salamander in Wetlands Ecology lab.

Robin Van Meter


  • 1-800-422-1782, ext. 7886
  • Toll Science SG20

Office Hours

Available by appointment


B.S., University of Maryland, College Park, 2000; M.S., Drexel University, 2003; Ph.D., University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2011.


Studying the effects of environmental pollution on amphibians and reptiles is my broad research interest.  I look at pollution impacts at the individual, population and community level.  Over the years I have investigated the effects of a crude oil spill on snapping turtle development and physiology, road deicer effects on amphibians in freshwater pond ecosystems and more recently my research has included dermal absorption of pesticides in terrestrial-phase amphibians. Currently I am working on a field project evaluating amphibian-based food web structure and dynamics in Delmarva Bays across an agricultural gradient.


ENV 242: Applied Ecology

ENV/BIO 313: Wetlands Ecology

ENV 302: Conservation & Wildlife Techniques

BIO 112: General Biology II

BIO 208: General Zoology

BIO 294: Tropical Ecology

BIO 100: Current Topics in Ecology

A Frog