Student Groups
American Chemical Society Students Chapter
The ACS Student Affiliates Chapter is a student organization committed to advancing and promoting an excitement for the study of chemistry.
The chapter is particularly focused on outreach to local schools and invites Kent County Middle School students to campus each year and performs chemistry "Magic Shows" with local elementary school students. The chapter also organizes a popular explosive pumpkin carving event at Halloween each year and we recently made rainbow bismuth crystals with EROS at Valentine's Day.
Another great networking opportunity is the American Chemical Society’s National Conference. With hundreds of lectures to choose from, in topics ranging from environmental science, to physical chemistry, to biomedical research, this is truly an exciting event. Through these events, members come to realize that an appreciation for chemistry is not just suitable for the sciences, but for life itself!
Faculty Adviser: Dr. Leslie Sherman
Students from Kent County Middle School came to WAC to do some enzyme labs under the direction of various members of the American Chemistry Society.
Gamma Sigma Epsilon Chemistry Honor Society
The Gamma Eta Chapter of Gamma Sigma Epsilon National Honor Society in Chemistry, installed April 6, 2011, recognizes students demonstrating exceptional ability and interest in the field of chemistry.
Faculty Adviser: Dr. Sarah Arradondo
The following criteria shall be used as guideline requirements for membership:
- Candidates for membership in the Chapter will have met the following requirements:
- At least 20 hours of chemistry courses at Washington College, normally to consist of CHE 120/140, CHE 220/240, and any CHE 300 level course usually consisting of: CHE 303, 305, 306, 309, 311, 314, 320, CHE 340. Credit bearing internships with the designation of CHE will also count towards the overall credit hours. AP credit for CHE 111/112 may be used as part of the 20 hours of chemistry courses.
- A minimum grade point average of 3.3 in all chemistry courses and an overall GPA of at least 3.2.
- Transfer students shall be eligible for membership after one semester at Washington College in which they have taken at least one chemistry course, if they also meet the other requirements for membership.
- Transfer students who were members of a GSE chapter at another school will immediately become members of the Chapter upon their request and payment of the $10 Chapter initiation fee.
- A rising senior whose academic record in chemistry is satisfactory for the preceding year and who has made a significant contribution to the department, but whose overall scholastic average is slightly below that required for membership, may also be elected to membership by a majority vote of the Chapter members.
- Outstanding alumni and faculty who have made a positive impact on the Chapter, department, or the field of chemistry may be elected to membership as Honorary Members.