Marshall Scholarship

Marshall Scholarships finance young Americans of high ability to study for a degree in the United Kingdom. Up to forty Scholars are selected each year to study at graduate level at an UK institution in any field of study. As future leaders, with a lasting understanding of British society, Marshall Scholars strengthen the enduring relationship between the British and American peoples, their governments and their institutions. Marshall Scholars are talented, independent and wide-ranging, and their time as Scholars enhances their intellectual and personal growth. Their direct engagement with Britain through its best academic programmes contributes to their ultimate personal success. The Two Year Marshall Scholarship is tenable for two academic years (ie 22 months), and it can be made up of two one-year programs at participating higher education institutions in the United Kingdom.

Deadline:  The Preliminary Application for this year's ADC is due April 3.
Eligibility: U.S. Citizen, Bachelor's by time of award
Duration:  One or two-year scholarships available for study in the United Kingdom

Candidates must:

  • be citizens of the United States (at the time they apply for a scholarship);
  • receive their first undergraduate degree from an accredited four-year college or university in the United States before beginning their studies in the UK
  • have obtained a grade point average of not less than 3.7 at the time of application
  • not have studied for, or hold a degree or degree-equivalent qualification from a British University.
  • not have studied for, or hold a degree or degree-equivalent qualification from a British University.