Jennie Rinehimer

  • Chair and Associate Professor of Biology

jennie carr

Jennie Rinehimer


Office Hours

TBD, also available by appointment


B.S., Juniata College, 2008; Ph.D., Indiana State University, 2013.


My research focuses on avian behavioral ecology.  I am particularly interested in how predators influence the behavior of their prey and resultant trade-offs associated with avoiding or reducing predation risk. I have addressed these predation trade-offs in a variety of contexts and species, including how risk influences thermoregulation (ruby-throated hummingbirds, New World sparrows, mourning doves), foraging (hummingbirds and sparrows), parental care (field sparrows), and lekking behavior (white-collared manakins). At Washington College, my collaborative research with students primarily examines how age and experience of field sparrows influences their reproductive success at the college’s River and Field Campus. 

Select Publications

Carr, J. M. & Golinski, J. E. (2020). Vigilance behaviors of ruby-throated hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris) reflect elevated risk of competitive interactions with vespine wasps. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 132, 295-305.   

Carr, J. M., Gimpel, M. E., & Small, D. M. (2019). Patterns of provisioning in known-age field sparrows (Spizella pusilla): a multi-year study. Northeastern Naturalist 26, 484-498. 

Carr, J. M. & Rydel, C. E. (2019). Medieval birds: science meets poetry in the Parliament of Fowls. The Once and Future Classroom: Resources for Teaching the Middle Ages 15 (1), 1-37.  

Gimpel, M. E. & Carr, J. M. (2017). First known case of a passerine presumably returning a dead chick to the nest. Maryland Birdlife 66, 29-35. 

Carr, J. M. & Lima, S. L. (2014). Wintering birds avoid warm sunshine: predation and the costs of foraging in sunlight. Oecologia 174, 713-721. 

Carr, J. M. & Lima, S. L. (2013). Nocturnal hypothermia impairs flight ability in birds: a cost of being cool. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 280, 20131846.  

Carr, J. M. & Lima, S. L. (2012). Heat-conserving postures hinder escape: a thermoregulation-predation trade-off in wintering birds. Behavioral Ecology 23, 434-441. 

Carr, J. M. & Lima, S. L. (2010). High wind speeds decrease the responsiveness of birds to potentially threatening moving stimuli. Animal Behaviour 80, 215-220 

Note: Previous publications under J. M. Carr