Peter Weigel

  • Associate Professor of Philosophy & Religion

Peter Weigel headshot


  • Ph.D., Philosophy, Yale University
  • M.Phil., Logic and Metaphysics, U. of St. Andrews (UK)
  • B.A., Philosophy, Marquette University


Associate Professor at WC 2007 - present 

Assistant Professor at WC 2001-2007

Lecturer at Yale University and Fairfield Jesuit University, prior to WC appointment

Department Chair, July 2011 - July 2014, July 2020 - July 2023

 Interim (Acting) Chair for Fall 2015

Adviser to the Humanities Program 2007 - 2019

Adviser to WC Institute for Religion, Politics, and Culture 2010 - present


Areas of Interest

  • Philosophy of Religion
  • Medieval Philosophy
  • Metaphysics
  • Logic / Rhetoric
  • Christianity
  • Analytic Philosophy
  • Modern Philosophy

Regular courses

Philosophy of Religion, Ancient Philosophy, Medieval Philosophy, Modern Philosophy, Augustine and Aquinas, Metaphysics and Epistemology, Logic, Analytic Philosophy, Existentialism, Utopia, Readings in Christian Themes, & assorted Great Books courses.

Select work


Authored book on the philosophical theology of Thomas Aquinas, Aquinas on Simplicity (Oxford: Peter Lang Publishers, 2008).

Edited book, Christian Philosophical Perspectives on Human Nature, (Peter Lang, 2016). [co-edited with Joseph Prud’homme]

Edited book of works by Germain Grisez and Peter Ryan, SJ, on Moral Good, the Beatific Vision, and God’s Kingdom (Peter Lang, 2015).

Edited book of homilies by theologian (and friend) Fr. Richard Roach SJ [d. 2008], Faith, Love, and Mercy: Homilies in Catholic Life (Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2015).

Select Articles

“Dostoevsky on the Problem of Evil” in The Yearbook of Phenomenological Research 85 (2005).

Entries for “St. Ignatius Loyola” and “Universals” [Problem of] for New Dictionary of Christian Apologetics (InterVarsity, 2006)

“Happiness, Division, and the Self in Plato’s Symposium” in The Yearbook of Phenomenological Research 96 (2008).

“Memory and the Unity of the Imagination in Spinoza’s Ethics” in International Philosophical Quarterly (June, 2009)

 “Divine Simplicity” for the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, March 2011

 “Singular Cognition: Brief Remarks on Klima and Pini” in the Proceedings of the Society for Medieval Logic and Metaphysics (SMLM) Vol. 9 (2011), 39-43.

 “Simplicity and Explanation in Aquinas’ God,” Proceedings of the Society for Medieval Logic and Metaphysics (SMLM) Vol. 2, (2002, reprinted 2011), 113-128.

 “Aquinas and Locke on Person and Resurrection,” published in Proceedings of the Society for Medieval Logic and Metaphysics, Fall 2016

"Classic Divine Attributes, An Overview," chapter in Handbook of Philosophy and Religion, ed. Mark Lamport (Rowman and Littlefield, Summer 2022)

Select Book Reviews

  • Reviewer for Review of Metaphysics journal, 2009-present
  • Reviewer for Phi Beta Kappa Society’s The Key Reporter, 2012-present

Review of Martin De Nys’s Considering Transcendence in The Review of Metaphysics (September 2009).

Review of Paul Kirkland’s Nietzsche’s Noble Aims in The Review of Metaphysics (June 2010).

Review of Eugene Thacker’s After life, in The Review of Metaphysics (March 2012).

Review of Charles Mott’s Biblical Ethics and Social Change for the journal Politics and Religion (August 2012). 

Review of Bruce Rosenblum and Fred Kuttner’s Quantum Enigma: Physics Encounters Consciousness for The Phi Beta Kappa Society newsletter, The Key Reporter (Summer 2014).

Review of Noson Yanofsky’s The Outer Limits of Reason: What Science, Mathematics, and Logic Cannot Tell Us for The Review of Metaphysics (December 2014).

Review of Thomas Buford’s Know Thyself: An Essay in Social Personalism for The Review of Metaphysics (December 2014).

Review of Joseph Heller’s Ultimate Explanations of the Universe for The Phi Beta Kappa Society newsletter, The Key Reporter (Summer 2015).