Meet the Staff

We're here to help you! Our tutors are trained through the national CRLA certification program and are ready to work with you on any quantitative need!

  Meet the Director

Fall 2024 Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday 10-11 AM.  (Feel free to stop by at other times as well!)

Email me at jandrews4FREEwashcoll

Schedule an appointment with me at


Meet the Tutors

Class: 2025

Majors: Psychology (Clinical Counseling) and Sociology

Minor: Social Welfare

Class: 2025

Majors: Environmental Science and Mathematics

Minor: Chesapeake Regional Studies

Class: 2025

Majors: Economics and International Studies

Class: 2026

Majors: BMB and Mathematics

Class: 2026

Majors: Communication & Media Studies, Economics

Minor: Creative Writing

Class: 2027

Major: Mathematics

Class: 2027

Major: Computer Science

Class: 2025

Major: Physics

Class: 2026

Major: Environmental Science

Class: 2026

Major: Biology

Class: 2027

Majors: Environmental Science and Physics

Class: 2025

Major: Environmental Science

Class: 2025

Majors: Accounting and Economics

Minor: Finance

Class: 2027

Majors: Computer Science and Political Science