Hodson Collaborative Research Program

The Hodson Collaborative Research Program funds research (and sometimes creative work) in the humanities and social sciences conducted by students and faculty working together. Faculty apply for funding with research proposals identifying students who will effectively contribute to the work and grow as researchers through the process. For funded projects, the students are paid as research assistants, with most or all of the work occurring over the summer. 

Aaron Lampman Headshot

Department of Anthropology & Archaeology

Aaron Lampman

Dean of Student Achievement and Success; Professor, Anthropology & International Studies

Arresting Views

Stevie Lyles '26 and music professor Ken Schweitzer recording

Music and Images Inspired by Astronomy

With Hodson support, Stevie Lyles ’26 collaborated with music professor Ken Schweitzer on an electronic music performance inspired by the James Webb Space Telescope. 

Read the Story


Funded Projects    

Department of Anthropology  
Title: Archaeological Excavations at Cerro Sulcha, Peru 
Students: Harrison Fear and Amy Cannon   
Professor: Patrick Mullins   
Title: Washington College Archaeology Lab   
Professor: Julie Markin   
Title: Environmental Justice and Incarceration 
Professor: Emily Steinmetz 

Department of Communication and Media Studies and Department of Education  
Title: "How do Washington College students understand and experience civic engagement in our community?" 
Professors: Meghan Grosse and Sara Clarke-De Reza 

Department of Music  
Title: Steel Drum Composition 
Student: Jack Riveros   
Professor: John Leupold   
Title: Immersive Sound Installation 
Student: Stevie Lyles 
Professor: Ken Schweitzer 

Department of Political Science  
Title: Immigration Policy and Politics 
Student: Emily Lampieri   
Professor: Flavio Hickel 

Department of World Languages and Cultures  
Title: Impact of Urban Spaces on Korean-Argentine Identity 
Student: Lessy Umanzor   
Professor: Martin Ponti   


Department of Anthropology  
Title: Archaeological investigation of the Middle Choptank River 

Students: Harrison Fear and Amy Cannon   

Professor: Julie Markin   
Department of Communication and Media Studies and Department of Education  
Title: “How do Washington College students understand and experience civic engagement in our community?” 

Students: Molly Andrews, Avery Castellani, Alexis Tackney 

Professors: Meghan Grosse and Sara Clarke-De Reza 
Department of Environmental Science 
Title: Knowing and Naming the River and Field Campus 

Student: Autumn Scully

Professor: Valerie Imbruce 
 Department of Music  
Title: Arresting Views 
Student: Stevie Lyles 
Professor: Ken Schweitzer 
Title: Re-imagine MUS 204: Western Music: Classical to Romantic 

Student: Kaitlyn McCaffery 
Professor: Jon McCollum 
Department of Political Science  
Title: Feminist Political Ecology and Peace in West Africa

Student: Ella Yeigh

Professor: Carrie Reiling 
Department of World Languages and Cultures  
Title: Research at the Vatican Archives  
Professor: Elena Deanda-Camacho



Aaron Lampman Headshot

Department of Anthropology & Archaeology

Aaron Lampman

Dean of Student Achievement and Success; Professor, Anthropology & International Studies