Student Opportunities

Engaging with the environment does not just happen inside the classroom. Washington College students pursue internships and research positions, get involved in clubs and other community activities, and expand their social horizons. Explore areas that interest you, pursue questions that fascinate you, and earn leadership roles in organizations that matter to you.  

Find the perfect opportunity


student taking water sample


  • Get into the lab as soon as your first year. Many courses have an associated lab, and manyof those labs are outdoors.
  • Utilize the River and Field Campus (RAFC) for courses and lab work. You can conduct bird banding, stream sampling, and more on a unique, 5,000-acre living lab that incorporates 2.5 miles of Chester River waterfront, meadows, hardwood forests, ponds, grasslands, marshes and riverine habitat.
  • Tailor the kind of labs you take (dealing with water or land, animals or plants, or geology) to your interests.
  • Assist faculty with their research. Funding is available to support completing faculty research.
  • Complete a Senior Capstone Experience (SCE), pursing a topic that interests you from beginning to end. SCE projects can be a literature review, a hypothesis with data collection and analysis, or service-learning based projects.
  • Create your own research project. Support, financial or otherwise, is available across campus, including through the Cater Society for Junior Fellows.
  • To get started thinking about what research you might be able to do at Washington, review our faculty’s areas of expertise.  

Danielle Simmons in a grassland at the River and Field Campus

Danielle Simmons '26

Still Pond, Maryland
Read Danielle's Story
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Rachel Morgen on a boat during a sailing race.

Rachel Morgen '26

Bend, Oregon
Read Rachel's Story
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