Become a Peer Consultant
Do you enjoy writing and working with peers? Come join us!
Apply today to become a peer writing consultant!
The deadline for applications for the Fall 2025 cohort of tutors is October 7th 2024
As a part of their paid position in the Writing Center, peer consultants work with writers from a variety of majors and classes in one-to-one and small group tutoring sessions, and they often have opportunities to assist faculty with writing activities in the classroom.
If this experience sounds interesting to you, consider applying to take part in our seminar, EDU406: Writing Center Theory and Pedagogy, a four-credit course offered each spring through the Education Department. The seminar is a prerequisite for working in the Writing Center, and students may enroll in the course when invited by the Director, after completing an application and interview process. Once they have finished the seminar successfully, participants are invited to work in the Writing Center for the following year.
We welcome applications from students of all majors and interests. For the Fall 2025 hiring cyle, we are especially interested in hiring tutors with majors or minors in:
- The social sciences (Business, Sociology, Political Science, Anthropology, Economics)
- The natural sciences (Psychology, Environment Science/Studies, Biology, Chemistry)
- Spanish, French, German, or Chinese
To become a peer writing consultant, please follow the application process outlined below.
Questions? Contact the Writing%20Center by email or call 410.778.7262. We're happy to hear from you! See the bottom of this page for FAQ.
Application Process:
- 1. Fill out this online form.
- 2. Send an email to writing_centerFREEwashcoll, attaching a brief academic writing sample.
- This might be an essay you have written for a recent class that you feel represents your work as an academic writer. A sample of 3-4 pages is sufficient.
- 3. Expect an email from the Director, and keep as a placeholder in your spring schedule T/Th 2:30-3:45 for the EDU406 course.
EDU406: Writing Center Theory and Pedagogy: A Seminar in Peer Tutoring
Writing Center Theory and Pedagogy introduces students to contemporary perspectives on the writing process with a particular emphasis on the way writers develop in an academic context. In the class, we’ll think about the ways that language, thought, and writing are connected, and we’ll explore ways of interacting with writers that support and encourage their growth. As a result, students in the seminar will gain a foundation of knowledge for working productively with their peers.
Through the seminar, students will also begin to take part in the activities of the Writing Center, first by observing and working with established peer writing consultants and then by conducting writing conferences of their own. Thus, the primary goal of the class is to allow students to connect the theoretical knowledge they gain in the classroom with the experience and practice of peer tutoring.
Writing Center Theory and Pedagogy is taught by Dr. Rachel Rodriguez, Director of the Writing Center. In past semesters, the class has met on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30-3:45.
Why become a peer writing consultant?
Fundamentally, the work of a peer writing consultant supports the academic success of students at Washington College. Not only will you share your knowledge and guidance about writing with others, you'll learn about the writing genres and conventions of disciplines outside of your own. Moreover, you’ll gain insight into your own writing and thinking processes, as well as critical and interpersonal skills that will serve you well during your time as a student at Washington College and as you enter the world of professional work. Our peer consultants have gone on after graduation to use their writing experience in a range of careers, from publishing to teaching, law, and social work.
- What is a writing tutorial like?
- Tutorials last for 50 minutes, with a 10 minute break for tutors in-between sessions. In each tutorial, the writing consultant asks questions, talks with the student, and guides them in achieving their writing goals. All scheduling and session tracking is done online. If you have never had a tutoring session of your own in the Writing Center, we recommend making an appointment to get a sense of the experience!
- Can I apply if I'm a freshman?
- Yes! Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors are welcome to apply. If you are a freshmen, you can use information/materials from high school in your application.
- When is the class I'd need to take in spring?
- EDU406 in spring usually runs T/Th 2:30-3:45 and is a requirement to becoming a peer writing consultant. Read below for a course description of EDU406.
- Would I get to be a writing tutor for the rest of my WAC career?
- Yes! Tutors are usually invited back each year.
- How many hours a week would I work?
- This varies and would depend on your availability. Tutors may work as little as 1 hour a week, or up to about 15.
- This position is paid, right?
- Yes! All work for the Writing Center is paid. This includes tutoring, training, visiting classes, working with faculty, or preparing presentations. Time spent in the EDU406 course is NOT paid.