Learn About Our Values

You are welcome here! The values statements below were drafted collaboratively by our collective tutoring staff.

We strive to make the Writing Center a safe learning space. We value all input that furthers the dialogue initiated by the values statements below. To provide suggestions or feedback to the Washington College Writing Center, email writing_centerFREEwashcoll.

Accessibility Statement

We at the Washington College Writing Center are committed to providing an accessible writing environment for the whole campus community. The Washington College Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Plan, “Pursuing Inclusive Excellence,” defines accessibility as “the extent to which a facility is readily approachable and usable by individuals with disabilities, particularly such areas as the residence halls, classrooms, and public areas.” The Writing Center employs a diverse staff of tutors, often including tutors with disabilities. Tutoring sessions are student-led and tailored to each student’s needs. Peer tutors are educated in supporting students with disabilities and are continuously improving their practices to better accommodate all learning preferences. The Writing Center works to be readily available to all students by:

  • Being located on the first floor of a building with automated doors and a stair-free entrance
  • Offering in-person and online appointments
  • Providing students with the opportunity to disclose any learning needs in their appointment form
  • Having a variety of seating options available, including chairs and couches
  • Giving the option to work on paper or electronic devices
  • Providing desktop computers for use during sessions
  • Welcoming translators, service animals, and other supports within the center
  • Ensuring all accommodation needs are met through ongoing collaboration with the Office of Academic Skills

Antiracism Statement

At the Washington College Writing Center, we acknowledge the oppressive history of institutions of higher education. This history includes excluding minority cultural perspectives and highlighting the white, western standard of grammar as “correct,” when grammar is cultural. Linguistic oppression has excluded and isolated people of color in the past and continues to do so today. 

We condemn racism in all forms and strive to counter the racist history and present of higher education. The Washington College Writing Center is a place where we challenge and critique linguistic oppression while engaging in respectful dialogue about students’ linguistic identities. In pursuit of this, we encourage diversity and seek to engage in conversations that produce change. We endeavor to acknowledge cultural and racial differences rather than ignore them. We commit to maintaining a welcoming environment that encourages inclusion and appreciation of diversity. As a writing center, we acknowledge the possibility of oppressive use of language and instances of microaggressions from both the writers who use the center, and from tutors who work at the center. We are prepared to confront these instances of racial bias head-on with care and accountability.

Racism is an ongoing issue and we understand that conversations must happen continually to make and sustain progress. We are open to and encourage dialogue about how we can improve our practice. 

Students can find more resources on Washington College’s commitment to fighting racism or for reporting instances of racial bias at:

  • Pursuing Inclusive Excellence: A Five Year Strategic Plan for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • BERT
  • CARE
  • Office of Intercultural Affairs


Land Acknowledgement

taken from msac.org

We acknowledge the lands and waters now known as Maryland are the home of its first peoples: the Accohannock Indian Tribe, Assateague People’s Tribe, Cedarville Band of Piscataway Indians, Choptico Band of Indians, Lenape Tribe, Nanticoke Tribe, Nause-Waiwash Band of Indians, Piscataway Conoy Tribe, Piscataway Indian Nation, Pocomoke Indian Nation, Susquehannock Indians, Youghiogheny River Band of Shawnee, and tribes in the Chesapeake watershed who have seemingly vanished since the coming of colonialism. We acknowledge that this land is now home to other tribal peoples living here in diaspora. We acknowledge the forced removal of many from the lands and waterways that nurtured them as kin. We acknowledge the degradation that continues to be wrought on the land and waters in pursuit of resources. We acknowledge the right of the land and waterways to heal so that they can continue to provide food and medicine for all. We acknowledge that it is our collective obligation to pursue policies and practices that respect the land and waters so that our reciprocal relationship with them can be fully restored.

LGBTQ+ Diversity Statement

At the Washington College Writing Center, we are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all students, faculty, and staff, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. We acknowledge that a student’s identity intrinsically impacts their writing voice and perspective. The diversity of our student body strengthens the institution as a whole, as a broader scope of unique student viewpoints offers more opportunities for growth and learning in the Writing Center. In the face of widespread discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community, the staff of the Writing Center offers continuous support and respect to our LGBTQ+ students, faculty, and staff. We strive to create a safe space where LGBTQ+ students will not only be accepted, but feel comfortable. Information about a student’s identity that may be disclosed in forms, writing, or conversation, will remain confidential.

The tutors at the Writing Center are given training in inclusion and addressing oppressive language. The Director of the Center aims to hire a staff that reflects the diversity of Washington College’s student body. Tutors commit to using the pronouns a student may choose to list in their appointment form on WCONLINE. Students also have the ability to change their preferred name in WCONLINE at any time, by updating their profile. Students are always welcome to bring any issues or concerns to the staff of the Writing Center at writing_centerFREEwashcoll as we are committed to our continuous improvement. Students can also contact Washington College’s Bias Education Response Team to report instances of discrimination, whether they choose to do so anonymously or not. Washington College has two student-led organizations, EROS (Encouraging Respect of Sexuality) and SAGE (Supporting All Gender Experience) where LGBTQ+ students and allies can interact and discuss LGBTQ+ issues.